Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lorenzo's Helmet

What do you think when I mention Lorenzo?

The young predator in moto gp. Ya, in moto gp session 2009, he become one of rider that being a competitor of other rider. The rider from Spanyol has shown that he can be the winner in each match, as a competitor of Valentino Rossi, the 8th championship winning record, and Cassey Stoner, 2nd moto gp championship. As the new comer, where he follows moto gp class for the second years, he must be able to suit the condition, include the hottest competition to be the number one, and he has shown it. He can take Valentino Rossi’s place as the championship, someday of course. How ever, he is still young, and still has so many chance to reach the highest podium in every competition.

So, when we talk about Lorenzo, don’t you want to think about his helmet that he used in every match in his competition? The same with other rider, Lorenzo has many collection of helmet, with unique design which show his characteristic and his unique.

This is one of helmet he used in moto gp. Just find the unique design, where there are some strawberry in both of helmet side, combine with red color and some yellow line, shows the unique of this helmet.

And this is the gold one.